Advisory Solutions
Registry Impact and Internal Value Checklist
Now that the assessment process is complete, this checklist outlines six evaluation characteristics and multiple crtieria for you to evaluate the suitability of a registry and the impact it has on your system.
In this checklist, you will find two sections to methodically identify the strengths and weaknesses and the internal value that a registry holds with your health system.
How To Complete The Checklist
Step 1: Download and print the checklist.
Step 2: Review each section and select the appropriate numbered criteria for each evaluation characteristic, placing it in the criteria selection column.
Step 3: Review each section and designate with a checkmark if the criteria is a system priority, place this in the system priority column.
Step 4: Once complete look at the results per evaluation characteristics.
Registry Checklist
Assess registries based on criteria like:
- If and how the registry risk adjusts data
- The level of clinical detail and value the registry collects for meaningful analysis and specification
- How data transfer occurs and the ease of manual versus automation, including how internal data is aggregated and stratified once collected
- How the registry reports are utilized at the health system for performance and quality improvement
Health System Checklist
Assess your health system’s use of registries based on criteria like:
- How the registry participation and reported outcomes align with current health system quality goals and initiatives
- How the registry reporting is re-ingested to the health system and the utilization of these reports from the clinical practice for performance standards
- How the registry works with your health system to ensure proper training and orientation to the registry as well as continued support offerings for new participants
- How does your health system work with the registry to provide patient education materials in digital or print format