Elevating Oncology Programs Through CoC Accreditation

Data Utilization, Process Improvement, Strategic Planning

The CoC accreditation (Commission on Cancer) has clear advantages over being a National Cancer Institute Designated Cancer Center, despite the conflicting results of accreditation. Yet the challenges to achieving accreditation remain. Learning the accreditation process on top of other duties can limit the effectiveness of the documentation provided, delay the granting of accreditation, and take staff time away from other important work.

Key learnings explored in this article:

  • As the largest body of accreditation, CoC compliance provides structural organization for cancer care that conforms to the highest standards, providing effective mechanisms for impacting cancer care and allowing the institution to participate in standards development.
  • Third parties offer experience and objectivity to assess issues, suggest solutions, and implement changes without burdening internal teams.
  • Data that is high-fidelity, timely, complete and secure is the first step toward accreditation.
  • Using the same technology at all sites and across departments increases data oversight and quality assurance, allowing clinical leadership to implement changes that result in better whole-person care, reduced costs, and easier preparation for accrediting reviews.

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