The Power of Research Networks to Transform Healthcare

Transform healthcare with Research Networks

How does the rapid expansion of research networks drive meaningful outcomes for hospitals, clinical research sponsors, and patients?

In this conversation, you’ll learn how the Q-Centrix Research Network is revolutionizing healthcare as its participation grows. By enhancing collaboration between hospitals and life sciences companies, research networks increase the diversity of your patient populations, manage costs effectively, and unlock research advancements.

Hear from expert panelists Victor Wang, Senior Vice President of Data and Research at Q-Centrix, Kate Sheeran, Director of Clinical Research at Q-Centrix, and Vontyna Smith, Partnership Lead, Clinical Research at Q-Centrix.

This webinar is for you if…

  •  Your hospital or health system wants to bring more clinical trials to the community without expending additional time or resources
  •  Your team would like help finding the right patient population for clinical trials
  • Your data is siloed across disciplines and you’d like insight on how to centralize it for research initiatives

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